Software Engineer

Roblox Career Center

Roblox Career Center
Software Engineer

My role in the project

This endeavor challenged my abilities and empowered me to produce remarkable work. In my role as the lead frontend engineer, I had the privilege of creating the Roblox Career Center – a meta-educational journey set within the Roblox universe itself. This 3D immersive platform serves not just as a hub of information, but a testament to the dynamic potential of Roblox as an interactive and informative tool. In my capacity on this project, I adhered to a stringent style guide aligned with Roblox's 'metaverse' branding. I successfully crafted fully functional versions of both Slides and Calendar within the engine.

Inside this digital center, participants are transported to a virtual Roblox workspace, allowing them to gain firsthand insights into the operations, culture, and collaborative ethos of the company. It's a space where curiosity meets opportunity, giving aspiring individuals a peek into the very heart of what it's like to be part of a team driving forward the frontier of human connection and communication.

Building on the experiences from my prior projects, the Career Center stands as a beacon for those eager to become part of the ever-evolving Roblox narrative, showcasing how virtual environments can be as educational as they are entertaining.

Let’s make something together, say hi.