Software Engineer

Walmart Discovered

Walmart Discovered
Lead Developer
Sawhorse Interactive

My role in the project

During my tenure as the lead developer, I was instrumental in pioneering an immersive Roblox experience for Walmart. Merging gameplay with interactive shopping, the game allows players to explore and teleport to new experiences, all within a captivating virtual Walmart environment.

Players can immerse themselves in the latest User Generated Content (UGC) trends, trying on and purchasing unique emotes and customizations. Drawing inspiration from previous projects, the interface design was meticulously crafted, especially for the dynamic shop system, ensuring a seamless user experience.

One of the standout features invites players to voice their preferences, suggesting content they'd love to see next, reflecting a user-centric approach reminiscent of my earlier involvement in community-driven projects. In a nod to personalization, users can tailor their Walmart Cart, adding another layer of engagement.

But beyond individual experiences, the platform encourages community sharing. Users can proudly display and discuss their finds, reminiscent of the camaraderie found in role-playing communities.

The culmination of this project is a testament to my commitment to pushing the boundaries of Roblox development, creating spaces where commerce, community, and gameplay converge.

Let’s make something together, say hi.